Archie is an identical twin and was just 3 years old when he was diagnosed with stage 4 high risk Neuroblastoma in January 2019.

Neuroblastoma is one of the rarest and hardest to cure of childhood cancers.

Archie has since spent each year undergoing various long and high intensity treatments, including variations of chemotherapy, immunotherapy and cell transplant. Archie spent most of the first year in hospital very unwell due to the treatment, and has had every complication along the way since.

Since diagnosis, Archie’s family and friends have been fundraising to get Archie to America for further treatment in the hope to prevent any potential relapse. They are currently in the process of consulting with medical professionals in the U.S. to work out the best plan of action going forward and give Archie the best chance possible to live his life to the full.


At the Helen Rollason Cancer Charity we offer a range of care and support through the use of complementary therapies as well as counselling, Mindfulness, Yoga and more. Or if you prefer just drop in for a cup of tea and a chat and pick up some information. We’re here to support men and women with all types of cancer at all stages – newly diagnosed, throughout treatment and during recovery.


We provide services for people living with cancer at every stage of their cancer experience. We are here to provide emotional, practical, physical, and financial support.

Macmillan is here to do whatever it takes to help everyone with cancer live life as fully as they can. If you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with cancer, we’re here to help.


Maggie’s is there for you or someone you care about that has been diagnosed with cancer. 

Cancer Support: Get free one-to-one help and information from our professional team, or join groups and activities that are right for you.

A calming space: Come in for a cup of tea, meet people who understand what you’re going through or just take a moment to gather your thoughts

Maggie’s offers the best possible support free to anyone with cancer as well as their families who walk through our doors. You’ll find our centres alongside NHS hospitals and we can also support you online. 
